Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year... New Resolutions

It's crazy to think that it is already 2012! I cannot believe that it's already a new year. I'm not one to make a new years resolution, but this year, I made SEVERAL... I'm hoping that I can stay up with them...

1- take LOTS of pictures! I got an awesome camera for Christmas it's amazing. So, I want to take as many pictures as I can. I'll post the ones I've taken later.
2- Don't sweat the small stuff... just relax and be happy.
3- send MORE snail mail! I have a few friends that I want to send snail mail to.. I really want to do this and keep up with it.
4- This is a new one... this blog.

We'll see how I do.

It's been nice to get back into the swing of things at school also... I've had a great few days with my kiddos and my student teacher. Kids honestly say and do the darnedest things.... which fills my heart. I too have picked up their "language," today I was talking with a parent of a kiddo who got hurt on the playground. I made this comment, "I'm pretty sure her nose just bled because it was really mad about getting hit." The mom just started to laugh... I was really embarrassed. But, such is the life of a kindergarten teacher. 

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